
The human mind is divided into two parts or sections:

  1. Conscious mind
  2. Subconscious mind

Conscious mind or consciousness is the part of the mind where thoughts and intentions exist that we are aware of. These are thoughts and intentions that we can remember and that we know about.


The subconscious, on the other hand, is the most powerful part of the human mind. It consists of awareness or memories that are not yet revealed, but hidden or forgotten. Despite its hidden nature, the subconscious has a profound influence on a person’s entire personality in both terms, esoterically and exoterically. As the subconscious manifests itself in consciousness, a person’s personality begins to transform itself accordingly.

abdul-qadir-jilani shrine

Human Existence

Human existence also has two aspects: the exoteric (external, physical, materialistic or outward) and the esoteric (internal, spiritual or inward).

The exoteric relates to the consciousness, while the esoteric and spiritual aspects relate to the subconscious mind.

Role of Childhood in Shaping One’s Personality

The purpose of this article is to describe the depth of our subconscious mind. Our subconscious holds our past, childhood memories, the joys of youth, numerous bitter moments, many pleasant memories, regrets, sorrows, criticisms, feelings of love and hate, daily routines, and particularly the journey of life that begins in the womb and continues until the child reaches the eight years of age. A child learns from his environment subconsciously. Childhood is a crucial part of one’s early development and has a significant impact on one’s character and personality, either positively or negatively. Many scientific experts also explain that family genes are also included in our subconscious mind.

Significance of Positive Thoughts and Intentions

The subconscious part of our mind can lead to highly positive outcomes in life because it encompasses our beliefs, ideas, thoughts, and intentions. For example, if we tell ourselves, “I can do this,” or “I am the best, I can do it.” This shows that we are feeding positive thoughts to our subconscious mind. The subconscious is so powerful that it engages all physical and spiritual forces to produce favourable outcomes.

Scientific Views:

Author Dr. Joseph Murphy writes in his book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind:

  1. “You have only one mind, but your mind has two distinct characteristics. The functions of your mind are instinctively different. Each is endowed with unique attributes and powers. The names commonly used to differentiate the two functions of the mind are: the conscious and the subjective mind, the waking and the sleeping mind, the surface self and the deep self.”
  2. “You are like a captain embarking on a ship; you must give it the right commands. Similarly, you must give your subconscious mind the right commands (thoughts and images) that control all your emotions.”
  3. “Psychologists say that when thoughts reach your subconscious mind, they have an impact on the brain cells. As soon as your subconscious accepts a thought, it moves forward to implement it immediately. It works through the association of thoughts and uses all the knowledge you have gathered in your life to achieve that goal. It draws on your inner limitless power, energy, and wisdom, and aligns all the laws of nature to achieve its path.”

Spiritual Views

An intriguing fact to understand here is that the human subconscious mind is connected not only to this material world but also holds traces of memories from the spiritual realms.

There are six realms of universe of command and universe of creation.

These are the different levels of Divine descent (or soul’s ascension to Allah) through which Divine Essence created and maintains the universe. This is known as Sufi Cosmology.

Sufi Cosmology

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has described the Sufi cosmology in his book “Sufism – The Soul of Islam.” In descending order, they are as follows:

1. Realm of Incomparable and Unknowable: (alam al-HaHooiyat or alam al-Ahadiyah)

This realm has been described in Quran as:

Meaning: There is nothing like Him. (42:11)

Neither knowledge nor anything else can determine the reality of this level. This is the transcendent level of Essence which is beyond anybody’s intellect, knowledge and frame of reference. Just for the sake of understanding, the Essence of Allah is called “Hoo” at this level.

2. The Realm of First Manifestation: (alam al-Yahoot or alam al-Wahdah)

This is the first manifestation of Allah, where the Essence appeared in the form of the Light of Mohammad (Nur-e-Mohammadi) concealed in the veil of the “M” of Ahmad.

3. The Realm of Divinity: (alam al-Lahoot or alam al-Wahidiyah)

Here, the Divine Essence (Mohammadan light) manifested as Divine soul. This stage is also known as the reality of human being, as it marks the beginning of human creation. This realm is considered the original homeland of mankind.

These three realms, realm of Incomparable and Unknowable, realm of First Manifestation and realm of Divinity, are collectively referred to as the Universe of Command.

4. The Realm of Power: (alam al-jabarut or alam al-arwah)

In this realm, all human souls were created from Divine soul. Angels were also created in this realm. The qualities of the soul here are akin to those of the angels.

5. The Realm of Angels: (alam al-malakut or alam al-mithal)

In this realm, souls manifested in symbolic forms which can be seen but not touched or grasped.

6. The Physical World: (alam an-nasut or alam al-ajsam)

Souls were given bodies and sent to this physical world.

The realm of power, angels and this physical world are stages of creation and are collectively referred to as the Universe of Creation.

Ism-e-Allah Zaat

This implies that the human subconscious mind includes the history of it’s soul. After the creation of souls, Allah manifested Himself in the form of the Ism-e-Allah Zaat (the Personal Divine Name). All souls were astounded by Allah’s unparalleled beauty and immersed in the praise and remembrance of Absolute Divine Beauty. This praise, the light of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and the vision of Allah became the sustenance for the souls. Thus, the human subconscious mind naturally harbours a desire and attraction for Divine Essence. Regardless of how occupied a person becomes with this physical world or how fast they run in this materialistic age, there is an underlying yearning and subtle pull from his/her subconscious mind that leaves them restless despite having all the worldly comforts. This state of restlessness is also referred to as nostalgia, as the soul remembers its eternal homeland.

Souls recall the pleasure and peace of visualising Divine Essence. Both the joy of Divine union and the pain of separation exist in the human subconscious mind. When the pleasure of Divine union manifests in our consciousness, one experiences an unknown happiness. Thus, every person goes through the states of union and separation, both consciously and subconsciously, and observes this throughout their life.

sultan ul ashiqeen ism e allah

Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo this in his Punjabi poetry:

کُنْ فَیَکُوْن جدوں فرمایا، اساں وی کولے ہاسے ھوُ

ہکے ذات ربّ دی آہی، ہکے جگ وچ ڈھنڈیاسے ھوُ

ہکے لامکان مکان اساں ڈا، ہکے آن بتاں وچ پھاسے ھوُ

نفس پلیت پلیتی کیتی باھوؒ، کوئی اصل پلیت تاں ناسے ھوُ

Explanation: When Divine Essence commanded ‘Be,’ and the universe was created, I was also present there (among all other human souls). There was a time when I was with Divine Essence, and now I search for Him, confined in human form. I once resided in the realm of Divinity but now I am confined in physical body. My soul has been tainted by the physical self (an-nafs), otherwise, I was not inherently tainted.

Divine Covenant

The memory of an event foundational to our nature, known as “Divine Covenant” also exists in our subconscious mind. Allah took this covenant after showing the Divine vision to the souls. The Quran also testifies to this event:

Meaning: “Am I not your Lord?” (7:172)

This question implies whether you are not being nurtured by My beauty and remembrance.

At that time, all souls were illuminated and mesmerized by Divine light (light of Ism-e-Allah Zaat) and were free from any impurities. They responded unanimously,

Meaning “Yes, indeed! You are our Lord.” (7:172)

As a result of this event, every human subconsciously harbours the concept of the Divine even if one is an atheist. The human inward and mind cannot be devoid of the concept of God.

Allah has created a game of Divine love with humanity. A Divine grace and favour allowing us to benefit from the gift of the subconscious mind and embedding the knowledge of past including Divine Covenant. The secret of Divine Essence lies within us, and our subconscious mind serves as the means to reach this secret. Divine Covenant is recorded in our subconscious in such a way that we neither fully remember it nor have we forgotten it.

In his work Tajdid-e-Fikriyat-e-Islam, Allama Iqbal writes:

“Religious experts from all eras and lands confirm that there is a type of consciousness connected to our general awareness, which holds great potential. If we unlock the possibilities of such life-giving consciousness and enlightening experiences, the question of religion as a high-level experience will become entirely legitimate and can become the focus of our serious attention.”

What vastness there is in our unconscious!

What a profound delight there is in our unconscious!

Subconscious Feelings of Affection and Aversion

We often observe that a person whom we have never met feels close to us at first meeting, as if we have known him for a long time. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, we are drawn to someone. This is because, in the realm of souls, some souls were close to each other. Due to this affinity, they prefer to stay close to each other in this world as well.

The Hadith states:

Abu Hurairah narrates from Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), “Souls are like assembled troops; those who are familiar with each other in the realm of souls develop affection for each other in this world, and those who were unfamiliar remain separate in this world.” (Sunan Abi Dawud 4834)

Concept of the Heaven and Hell

We subconsciously have notions of the Heaven and Hell, and of what is right and wrong. This is because, in the realm of souls, Allah gave souls the freedom to choose between right and wrong and tested them.

Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo describes this event as follows:

When Allah took the covenant (on the day of Divine covenant) from the souls and they all acknowledged Allah’s lordship, He said, “O souls, ask of Me what you wish so that I may grant it to you.” All the souls replied, “O Allah, we seek You alone.” Then Allah, on the left side of souls, showed the world and its adornments to the souls. Satan, with the help of the inciting self, entered the world. Nine-tenths of the souls followed Satan, abandoning their quest for Divine Essence and preferring the world.

The remaining one-tenth of the souls stood before Allah. Allah said again, “O souls, ask of Me what you wish so that I may grant it to you.” The remaining one-tenth of the souls replied, “O Allah, we seek You alone.” Allah then on the right side of souls, revealed Heaven, its pleasures, bounties, and all adornments to them. Nine-tenths of these souls proceeded towards Heaven, while the remaining souls stood before Allah. They neither heard the call of the world nor the call of Heaven. These souls were the true seekers of Allah. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)

In this world, any decision or intention we make is influenced by the decision our soul made in the realm of souls. Those who preferred the world and its adornments continue to be drawn to worldly and sensual desires, both consciously and subconsciously. Those who chose Heaven continue to desire it, while those sincerely seeking Divine Essence remain devoted to their quest for the Him only.

Knowledge of the Names and the Subconscious

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

Meaning: And (Allah) taught Adam the names of all (things). (2:31)

He also says:

Meaning: He (Allah) taught man that which he did not. (96:5)

Before sending humans into this physical world, Allah had imparted the knowledge of all names to the mankind. This indicates that knowledge is not created but is discovered by humans through their subconscious mind. This knowledge emerges based on the needs and advancements of the times. Major discoveries, such as the Law of Gravity, illustrate this principle. For instance, Isaac Newton suddenly realised that objects fall from the sky to the earth. This is a process that has always been occurring. This realisation demonstrates that the knowledge was already present in his subconscious mind and was merely transferred to his conscious mind through contemplation at the right time.


The human subconscious mind holds vast depths. It would not be incorrect to say that humans are the most complex creation of Allah. Only one who has attained the rank of the Universal Divine Man, who is aware of all the complexities of human personality and the essence of the soul, and is skilled in bringing subconscious knowledge into consciousness, can truly understand this mystery.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman

In the present age, the Universal Divine Man and 31st spiritual leader of the Sarwari Qadri order is Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. He grants his disciples the invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat on the very first day. Regular practice opens up the intricate knots within a person, resolves mysteries, and leads to awareness of the soul’s essence and its eternal rank. Through this practice, the memories of the universe of command and the universe of creation in the subconscious mind are stirred, leading to a wave of longing that envelops the entire being, guiding the person on a spiritual journey of the inward.

May Allah grant us the ability to attain Divine union under the guidance of the perfect spiritual guide, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman.


This is English translation of Urdu blog لاشعور کی وسعتیں that appeared in August 2024 issue of monthly Sultan-ul-Faqr magazine. Mrs Fatima Burhan Sarwari Qadri wrote the original article. Dr. Waseem Akram has translated it in English.

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