The Need for Conveying Rewards to the Deceased

Esaal e Thawaab

The need for conveying rewards to the deceased or in other words Esaal e Thawaab is proven from Quran and Hadith. A person spends their entire life in struggle, improving their worldly life and fulfilling the needs of themselves and their family, often without realising when the time of death approaches. At the moment of death, a person reflects on the deeds of their lifetime. If they have prepared for the afterlife alongside their worldly life and have sent forth good and righteous deeds to improve their hereafter, not only does the process of dying become easier, but the state of the grave also becomes a reflection of paradise. Such a person not only creates ease for themselves but also proves to be beneficial for their offspring, as Allah Almighty has stated in the Quran:

وَ الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا وَ اتَّبَعَتْهُمْ ذُرِّیَّتُهُمْ بِاِیْمَانٍ اَلْحَقْنَا بِهِمْ ذُرِّیَّتَهُمْ وَ مَاۤ اَلَتْنٰهُمْ مِّنْ عَمَلِهِمْ مِّنْ شَیْءٍ ؕ

Meaning: And those who believe and whose children follow them in faith, We shall also unite their children with them (in the ranks of Paradise even if their actions would not fall in that grade. It would be in the honour of their pious fathers). And We shall also not reduce in anyway the reward of the actions of their (pious fathers).


If a person departing from this world has performed good deeds to please Allah and has also raised their children well, then even if the children do not reach the level of their parents, Allah will elevate the children to the status of their parents due to the righteous deeds of the parents.

Importance of Esaal e Thawaab

However, if someone has not prepared for the afterlife and has not done anything that could facilitate their forgiveness, they will gain nothing but regret. The only thing that could help them would be their own good deeds performed in this world for the sake of pleasing Allah. This is why the world is considered the farmland for the hereafter. Just think! If someone does not farm this land, does not sow seeds, then what harvest will they reap? What reward will one gain in the hereafter if they have not made any preparation for it in their worldly life?

However, if there are no good deeds, the only support after death can come from righteous children who pray for their deceased parents, dedicate the rewards of their own worship to them, or perform charitable acts on their behalf that serve as Sadaqah Jariyah for the deceased. This can lead to a blessed afterlife for the deceased.

“Esaal” means to convey. If the deceased are facing torment in the grave, the good deeds of their surviving family and heirs can reduce their punishment. If they are already in a good state, their ranks are elevated.

Pious Children – Sadaqah Jariyah

A person’s righteous children are a form of Sadaqah Jariyah for them. If children are raised well, taught to distinguish between good and evil, shown the difference between truth and falsehood, instilled with good morals, warned about the consequences of bad traits and carnal vices, encouraged to avoid them, kept from following Satan, urged to enjoin good and forbid evil, and taken to visit the graves of their ancestors, such children will pray for their parents after they pass away and offer good deeds for their benefit. The Quran also advises praying for the deceased.

Allah Almighty says in Quran:

رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِیْ وَ لِوَالِدَیَّ وَ لِلْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ یَوْمَ یَقُوْمُ الْحِسَابُ۠

Meaning: O my Lord! Forgive me and (forgive) my parents and all the believers as well on the Day when reckoning (and accountability) will be held.


Esaal e Sawaab

There are numerous Hadiths regarding the conveyance of reward (Esaal e Sawaab).

It is narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA) that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “When Allah raises the rank of a righteous person in Paradise, he will ask, ‘O my Lord, how did I attain this rank?’ Allah will say, ‘Your son sought forgiveness for you.'” (Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal 10618)

Another hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah states that the Holy Prophet said: “When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah, beneficial knowledge and a righteous son who prays for him.” (Sahih Muslim 4223)

Deeds of children are presented to deceased parents

On the contrary, if there are no righteous children, the deceased can be punished due to their children’s misdeeds, or they may feel ashamed before Allah because of their children’s bad actions. They continuously pray to Allah to guide their children to the right path.

Anas (RA) narrates that the Holy Prophet said, “Indeed, your deeds are presented to your deceased relatives and family members. If they are good, they feel happy. If they are contrary, they say, ‘O Allah, do not let them die until You guide them as You have guided us.'” (Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal 12713)

Musnad Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal

How can righteous children be a source of relief from punishment, elevation in ranks, and pleasure of Allah for their parents in the hereafter? Below are some actions whose rewards can be conveyed to the parents:

1.      Reward of Good Deeds and Worship

Apart from obligatory worship and obligatory Sadaqah, if righteous children perform voluntary acts of worship or give Sadaqah and dedicate the reward to their deceased parents, it results in the elevation of their parents’ ranks in the afterlife.

Abdullah ibn Umar narrates that the Holy Prophet said, “When a person gives Sadaqah and directs it towards their parents, the reward reaches the parents without reducing the person’s own reward in any way.” (Sharh al-Sudoor)

2.      Fasting on Behalf of the Deceased

Often, people are unable to observe obligatory fasts due to illness or during their final days, and sometimes they cannot pay the compensation (fidya) for these missed fasts. In such cases, their children can fast on their behalf or pay the fidya for the missed fasts. Additionally, children can voluntarily fast and dedicate the reward to their deceased parents, without reducing their own reward in any way.

fasting for esaal e sawaab

Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates that a woman came to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and said, “My mother has died, and she had an obligation of one month’s fasts.” The Holy Prophet said, “If she had a debt, would you pay it off?” She replied, “Yes.” He then said, “Allah’s debt is more deserving of being paid off.” (Sahih Muslim 2693)

3.      Umrah and Hajj on Behalf of the Deceased

Hajj is an obligatory act for every financially capable Muslim man and woman at least once in their lifetime. However, many people get entangled in the complexities and busyness of life and do not perform Hajj despite having the financial means. Or they intend to perform Hajj but pass away before fulfilling this intention. Alternatively, if a person was not financially capable during their lifetime but their children later become capable, the children can perform Hajj or Umrah on behalf of their parents and dedicate the reward to them.

Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates that a woman from Juhaynah tribe came to the Holy Prophet and said, “My mother had vowed to perform Hajj, but she passed away before she could fulfil her vow. Should I perform Hajj on her behalf?” The Holy Prophet replied, “Yes, perform Hajj on her behalf. Tell me, if your mother had a debt, would you not pay it off?” She said, “Yes.” The Holy Prophet then said, “Then fulfil the debt owed to Allah, for He is more deserving of having His debt repaid.” (Sahih Bukhari 1852)


4.      Sacrifice on Behalf of the Deceased

Every year, Muslims perform the sacrifice of animals on the blessed occasion of Eid al-Adha, following the tradition of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). This sacrifice is obligatory for every financially capable Muslim and carries great reward. After the passing of parents or relatives, one can also perform a sacrifice on their behalf with the intention of conveying the reward to them.

Aisha bint Abi Bakr (RA) and Abu Hurairah (RA) narrate that when the Holy Prophet (pbuh) intended to offer a sacrifice, he would buy two large and healthy rams. He would sacrifice one on behalf of his umma, for every person who testified to the Oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). The second ram he would sacrifice on behalf of himself and his family. (Sunan Ibn Majah 3122)

5.      Sadaqah on Behalf of the Deceased

To convey reward to the deceased, various items can be given as Sadaqah, such as clothing, food and drink items. Essential everyday items, or monetary assistance to help someone in need. Additionally, if Zakat is due on behalf of the deceased, it can also be fulfilled.

Abdullah bin Abbas narrates that when the mother of Sa’d bin Ubadah (RA) passed away, he asked, “O Messenger of Allah! If I give something in charity on her behalf, will she receive the reward?” The Holy Prophet replied, “Yes.” Sa’d then said, “I bear witness that I have given my fruitful garden in charity on behalf of my mother.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 2770)

6.      Prayers for the Deceased

It is obligatory for Muslims to continuously pray for the well-being of the deceased. Recently, a notion has gained popularity that neither recitation of Quran is done at the head of the deceased before burial nor afterward. Moreover, practices like Quran recitation or acts performed for conveying rewards (Esaal e Thawaab) are often labelled as innovations (bid’ah). However, the deceased earnestly await prayers and rewards from their surviving loved ones.

Those who stood by you through every difficulty in life deserve to be honoured with prayers for their forgiveness and the elevation of their ranks after they have passed away. It’s an essential act of love and duty to continuously pray for their forgiveness and higher status in the hereafter.

7.      Prayers and Sadaqah for the Deceased

Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “The example of the deceased in the grave is like that of a drowning person who calls for help and anxiously waits for the prayers of their parents, siblings or friends. When they receive the prayer, it becomes more beloved to them than the world and everything in it. Indeed, Allah bestows immense rewards, as vast as mountains, upon the deceased due to the prayers of the living. The best gift the living can give to the dead is to seek forgiveness for them and to give Sadaqah on their behalf.” (Dailami)

Anas (RA) narrated that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said, “When a family member gives Sadaqah on behalf of their deceased loved one and conveys the reward to them, the angel Jibril (Gabriel) presents this gift in a beautiful platter at the head of the grave and says, ‘Your so-and-so relative has sent this reward to you, so accept it.’ The deceased accepts it and is pleased with it, then shares the good news with other deceased people. Those who have not received such gifts feel sorrowful.” (Al-Mu’jam Al-Awsat)

A pious man once narrated that his brother had passed away. He saw his brother in a dream and asked him about what happened after he was buried. The brother replied, “A figure came to me with a flame of fire. If it were not for those who prayed for me, I would have been destroyed.” (Kitab al-Ruh)

8.      Sadaqah Jariyah for the Deceased

After the passing of parents, children, siblings, or other loved ones, certain acts can be performed to continuously convey rewards to the deceased. These include installing a water cooler, setting up a water pump, planting fruit-bearing trees, building a mosque, establishing a welfare institution or centre, and distributing the Quran, parts of the Quran, or other Islamic and moral books. As long as these items, books, or institutions exist and people benefit from them, the rewards continue to reach the deceased.

Sa’d bin Ubadah (RA) narrated that he asked the Holy Prophet (pbuh), “O Messenger of Allah! My mother has passed away. What charity is best for her?” The Holy Prophet replied, “Water.” So, Sa’d had a well dug and said, “This well is for Sa’d’s mother.” (Sunan Abu Dawood 1681)

Planting Trees Near Graves for the Deceased

Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrated that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) once passed by two graves and said, “They are being punished, and they are not being punished for something major. One of them used to spread gossip, and the other did not take care to avoid urine splashes.” Then he took a fresh green branch, broke it into two pieces, and placed one on each grave. He then said, “As long as these do not dry out, it is hoped that their punishment will be lessened.” (Sahih Bukhari 216)

This implies that planting trees near graves can also serve as a means of seeking forgiveness or reduction in punishment for the deceased.

Reward of Participating in a Funeral

Participating in the funeral of a Muslim man or woman is a collective obligation (Fard Kifayah) for the Muslim community. When relatives and community members attend the funeral and pray for the deceased’s forgiveness after the funeral prayer, it can lead to the deceased’s forgiveness.

Malik bin Hubairah (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “If any Muslim dies and three rows of Muslims pray for him, Paradise becomes obligatory for him.” (Sunan Abu Dawood 3166)


Reward of Reciting the Quran

After performing the funeral prayer, when the deceased is taken to the cemetery for burial, it is highly recommended for relatives and friends to stand by the head of the deceased and recite Quranic verses and supplications. This recitation continues until the deceased is buried. Although some people may object to this practice, it is a highly commendable act.

If the deceased was a righteous person, this recitation elevates their ranks in the afterlife. If they had committed sins or errors due to human nature, this recitation can lead to the forgiveness of their sins by Allah.

Reward of Reciting Quran at Funerals and Graves

Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) narrated that when Sa’d bin Mu’adh (RA) passed away, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) accompanied us to his funeral. After performing the funeral prayer and placing him in the grave, the Holy Prophet made tasbih (glorified Allah) for a considerable time, so we also did tasbih for a long time. Then the Holy Prophet said takbir (“Allahu Akbar”), so we also said takbir. Someone asked, “O Messenger of Allah! Why did you make tasbih and takbir?” He replied, “This righteous person’s grave had become tight, so we made tasbih and takbir until Allah expanded it for him.” (Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal 14934)

Anas (RA) narrated that the Holy Prophet (RA) said, “Whoever goes to the cemetery and recites Surah Yasin, Allah will alleviate the punishment of the deceased, and the reciter will also receive rewards.” (Sharh al-Sudur)

Reciting Quran at the Grave

Abdullah bin Umar (RA) narrated that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “When any one of you dies, do not delay him but take him quickly to his grave, and recite Surah Al-Fatihah at his head and the last verses of Surah Al-Baqarah at his feet.” (Bayhaqi, Shu’ab al-Iman)

Esaal e Thawaab

Burying the Deceased Near Righteous

It is often observed that people, before their death, express their wishes regarding their burial place, specifying that they be buried at a particular location near certain individuals. After their passing, it becomes obligatory for the children and relatives to fulfil the deceased’s last wishes. However, if the deceased did not make any specific requests regarding their burial place, it is incumbent upon the survivors to ensure that the deceased is buried near a righteous person, as this has a significant impact on the deceased.

Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Bury your dead near righteous people, because just as bad neighbours cause trouble and suffering in this world, bad neighbours in the graves will cause pain and suffering in the hereafter as well.” (Sharh al-Sudur)

Visiting the Graves of the Deceased

Death is an inevitable reality, and every soul must pass through it. While the colourful distractions of this world may temporarily captivate individuals and distract them from this reality, death ultimately serves as a reminder of the transience of worldly life. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to visit the graves of their loved ones regularly.

Visiting the graves serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it reminds individuals of the uncertainty and impermanence of worldly life, prompting them to focus on improving their life in the hereafter. Secondly, when visiting the graves with the intention of supplication, it provides an opportunity to pray for the forgiveness and elevation of the status of the deceased. Hence, visitors should not only remember their own departed relatives but also include other deceased Muslims, both men and women, in their prayers.

Esaal e Thawaab

The Permissibility of Visiting Graves

In the early days of Islam, when people emerged from the darkness of disbelief and polytheism into the light of Islam, practices such as idol worship and considering graves as places of prostration were prevalent. Therefore, initially, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) prohibited Muslims from visiting graves for a certain period. However, as Islam became established and the hearts of Muslims became steadfast in faith, the Holy Prophet abrogated this prohibition and instructed the Muslims to visit graves.

Abdullah bin Mas’ud (RA) narrated that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “I had prohibited you from visiting graves, but now you may visit them, for they remind you of the hereafter and turn your hearts away from worldly distractions.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 1571)

It was the blessed practice of the Holy Prophet to visit Al-Baqi’ cemetery, greet the inhabitants, and supplicate for their forgiveness. Below are a few blessed traditions highlighting this practice.

Visit to Al- Baqi’ Cemetery

Narrated by Aisha bint Abi Bakr (RA):

When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to stay with me, he (often) visited Al-Baqi’ cemetery during the latter part of the night. Addressing the inhabitants of the cemetery, he would say, “Peace be upon you, O believers! The promise made to you has reached you, and you will soon receive it. If Allah wills, we will also join you. O Allah, forgive the people of Al-Baqi’.” (Sahih Muslim 2255)

Buraidah (RA) reported that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) taught them to say when visiting graves:

“Peace be upon you, O dwellers of the abodes, among the believers and the Muslims! Indeed, if Allah wills, we will soon be joining you. I ask Allah for well-being for us and for you.” (Sahih Muslim 2257)

Practices of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)

From the above-mentioned blessed Hadith, three important practices of Holy Prophet are established:

  1. Visiting graves was a regular practice of the Holy Prophet.
  2. Greeting the dwellers of the graves with peace and praying for their well-being, mercy, and forgiveness.
  3. Addressing the inhabitants of the cemetery, acknowledging that they have gone before us and expressing the intention to join them eventually.

It is narrated from the son of Ibn ‘Ainiyah’s uncle, Fadl, that when my father passed away, I felt very sad. I used to visit his grave every day. Then I didn’t go for a few days. Then one day, I went and sat near the grave. Suddenly, I fell asleep. I saw that my father’s grave split open. He was sitting in the grave shrouded in a burial cloth and resembled the dead. Seeing this sight, I began to cry. My father asked, “Son, why haven’t you come for so many days?” I replied, “Did you know that I was coming?” He said, “Whenever you came, I was informed of your arrival. Your coming and your prayers bring comfort and joy not only to me but also to those around me.” After this dream, I continued to go to his grave regularly.

Even the birds know about Esaal e Thawaab

Therefore, it should not be understood that the occupants of graves are unaware of who visits them and who does not. Those whose good deeds or prayers bring reward to the deceased are informed about it, that so-and-so’s reward has been sent to you. It is even narrated that birds sitting on the grave know about it.

Anas bin Malik narrated that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) allowed the bodies of the slain from the Battle of Badr to remain unburied for three days. Then he went to them, stood near their bodies, and called out, “O Abu Jahl bin Hisham, O Umayyah bin Khalaf, O Utbah bin Rabi’ah, O Shaibah bin Rabi’ah! Have you found the promise of your Lord to be true? For I have found the promise of my Lord to be true, the promise that He made to me.”

Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) asked, “O Messenger of Allah, how will they hear you and respond when they have already become lifeless bodies?” The Holy Prophet (pbuh) replied, “By Him in Whose Hand is my soul! You do not hear what I say more than they do, but they are unable to respond.” (Sahih Muslim 7223)


The Present Imam of Sarwari Qadri Order

The perfect spiritual guide of the present era and the 31st Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri Order Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is nurturing the seekers of truth in the same manner as the Holy Prophet (pbuh) trained his Companions. Upon examining any aspect of his blessed life, it is evident that it aligns perfectly with the Prophetic tradition.

Therefore, it is evident from this matter as well that Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen while reviving the Prophetic tradition, also visits the graves of his parents and loved ones, and in accordance with the religious requirements, recites Fatiha and offers prayers for their forgiveness.

Alongside this, he has initiated numerous charitable endeavours for the forgiveness of his disciples, followers, and the Muslim umma through which not only can one improve their own hereafter but also provide Sadaqah Jariyah for their deceased loved ones and future generations. Below are some exemplary initiatives:

Initiatives of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen

  1. The ongoing construction of Masjid-e-Zahra is underway. The construction of the mosque is highly praised in the Quran and Hadith. You too can participate in the construction of the mosque to offer reward to your deceased.
  2. Furthermore, under the auspices of Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications, numerous books based on Sufism have been published. These books will serve as a guide for Divine seekers for centuries. Participating in the publication of these books also counts as Sadaqah Jariyah.
  3. Alongside this, a monthly magazine is regularly published, providing guidance to thousands of believers. Participating in its publication is also counted as Sadaqah Jariyah.
  4. Upon pledging allegiance, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen grants the invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat to Divine seekers. After writing the blessed name of Allah in golden letters, it is installed in a beautiful wooden frame and covered with glass. Undoubtedly, a considerable amount is spent on preparing these Ism-e-Allah Zaat but every fortunate individual who pledges allegiance receives the adorned Ism-e-Allah Zaat in glass and wooden frame as a gift. Participating in the preparation of these is also counted as Sadaqah Jariyah. As long as the disciples continue to contemplate and invoke Ism-e-Allah Zaat, you will continue to receive immense rewards.
  5. Khanqah Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen always arranges for the provision of food for the dwellers and guests of the Khanqah. By participating in this, you can offer Sadaqah Jariyah for your loved ones and relatives. Whatever you donate in charity for the sake of offering reward will also benefit you and the deceased. Furthermore, you can also contribute to maintaining the websites, social media pages, and channels operated under Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr, as through these mediums, the true teachings of Islam, namely the message of “Faqr,” is being spread worldwide according to the contemporary needs.
Masjid e Zahra

Concluding Thoughts

Dear readers! Remember, if today we do not offer prayers for our deceased, then tomorrow when we depart from this world, no one will offer prayers for us. Let us pray to Allah Almighty to forgive the believing men and women who have passed away from this world, elevate their ranks, grant them His special closeness, and bestow His mercy upon them. And for those who are still alive, may He grant them the ability to improve their future lives. Ameen.


This is English translation of Urdu blog اِیصالِ ثواب کی ضرورت that appeared in June 2024 issue of monthly Sultan-ul-Faqr magazine. Sultan Mohammad Ahsan Ali Sarwari Qadri wrote the original article. Zahid Anjum Siddiqui has translated it in English.

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