Allah Almighty is the Creator and Sustainer of every creature. He fulfills their every need. He tests people by giving less to some and more to others. Those who are blessed with abundance of wealth are tested whether they spend it in the way of Allah. They are also tested whether they are grateful for the blessings He bestowed upon them. i.e. whether they give sadqa to the real recipients. Allah tests some by giving them less to see whether they remain content and thankful and whether they spend any of it in His way?

Successful are those who rely on Allah and remain content with His distribution. They are thankful to Allah in every situation whether there is abundance or scarcity of means. The wealth spent in the way of Allah is the only thing worthy in the Hereafter. This (sadqa) becomes a source of continued reward for a person even after death. However, Allah tests people for their generosity so that they may gain His pleasure. As a result Allah may bless them with His proximity.

Injunctions of Quran about Sadqa

 Allah has mentioned many virtues of spending (sadqa) in His way in Quran. The verses that have been revealed about spending money in the way of Allah have more or less one thing in common. The emphasis is on “spend in My way, out of what I have given you.” Allah Almighty is making man realise that the wealth he is hiding or being stingy about it from spending in the way of Allah, is actually a blessing of Allah.

  1. “Those who believe in the unseen, and establish Prayer (fulfilling all its requisites) and spend (in Our way) out of what We have given them.”

[2:3] Al-Baqarah

  1. “The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like (that) grain out of which seven ears shoot forth. (And then) each ear bears a hundred grains (i.e., they are rewarded seven hundred times). Allah multiplies (still more) for whom He likes. And Allah is Infinite, All-Knowing.”

[2:261] Al-Baqarah

  1. “Surely, both the men and the women who give charity and those who lend a goodly loan to Allah, the (reward of charity) will be increased for them manifold, and there will be most honourable reward for them.”

[57:18] Al-Ḥadīd

Allah further says:

  1. “Those who have believed and have emigrated and have consistently toiled hard in the cause of Allah with their material and human resources enjoy a very high rank in the presence of Allah, and it is they who have achieved the ultimate goal.”

[9:20] Al-Tawbah 

  1. “Those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah, and then do not follow up their spending by reminding of their benevolence or hurting, there is reward for them with their Lord. And (on the Day of Resurrection) they will have no fear, nor will they grieve.”

[2:262] Al-Baqarah 

  1. “And those who spend their wealth to seek Allah’s pleasure and stabilize themselves (in faith and obedience) are like a garden located on a higher ground level. When a heavy rain falls on it, it doubles its yield. And if it does not receive a heavy rain, then even dew (or drizzle) is sufficient. And Allah monitors your actions minutely.”

[2:265] Al-Baqarah 

It is clear from above verses of Quran that Allah blesses us with wealth. So, one should spend generously in His way.

Every Person Is Born Empty-Handed

A person should think for a moment about the time of his birth. At that time, he was so helpless and weak that he depended on others (his parents) for his every need. He even did not have clothes on his body. This endorses the fact of Quran that whatever he gains in life is a blessing of Allah. He should not be afraid to spend it in the way of Allah. He should understand and think about this. If Allah can give once, then He can give a thousand times better than that.

The Importance of Charity in the Light of the Hadiths

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has also highlighted the importance of spending in the way of Allah. Some of the Hadiths are as follows.

  1. Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘’whoever spends as much as a date from his Halal earnings. As Allah accepts only that which is pure. He takes that in His right hand and increases it – as if someone were to raise calf – until it becomes like a mountain.’’ (Bukhari & Muslim)
  2. Anas ibn Malik narrates that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “Spending one dirham in one’s life is better than giving one hundred dirhams in charity at the time of death.” (Abu Dawood)
  3. Asma bint Abi Bakr says that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) instructed her to spend (generously in the way of Allah) and not to keep count. (If you do so) then Allah will also keep it for you (means give less). Spend as much as you can. (Kanz al-Ummal)


The Importance of Almsgiving (Sadqa) for the Sake of Allah in the Light of the Sayings of Perfect Fakirs

The common man is unable to understand the pleasure of spending for the sake of Allah. The Sufi Saints and the Perfect Fakirs enjoy the pleasure of giving charity. This is why they spend all their money, holdings and even their souls in the way of Allah.

Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

Al-Ghawth Al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani says that a believer only takes the sustenance of journey and the disbeliever enjoys very much. The believer is content with little things on journey. He sends a lot of wealth to the Hereafter (meaning gives sadqa in the way of Allah). He leaves for himself as much a traveler requires and which can be easily carried. All his wealth is in the Hereafter. (Al-Fateh al-Rabbani Majlis 15)


Shaikh Saadi Shirazi

Shaikh Saadi Shirazi said: “In my whole life, I have not seen two types of people. One who spent in the way of Allah became poor. And the other who did wrong and escaped from the grip of Allah.”


Everything that Allah has commanded us to do has many virtues, so is the case of giving charity:

  • One can gain pleasure of Allah.
  • Sadqa blesses all the goods of both worlds to a man. (Now it is up to man whether he wants the mortal good of this world or the eternal and immortal good of the Hereafter.)
  • Charity protects from the heat of the grave.
  • Charity cools the wrath of Allah.
  • Sadqa removes or eases the difficulties.
  • Charity causes the forgiveness of sins.
  • Sadqa saves from bad death.
  • Charity diminishes sins.
  • This is also a cure, a medicine and a healing.

 Real Recipient of Charity

There is a lot of emphasis in the Quran and Hadith on spending money in the way of Allah Almighty. Now how to determine the path of Allah? This is the path where giving sadqa brings true pleasure, countless bounties and mercy of Allah. Allah says in Quran:

“Indeed, alms (sadqa) are meant for the Fakirs.” [9:60] Al-Tawbah

The Perfect Fakir

The Perfect Fakir is the one whom Allah Almighty tests in every way by increasing and decreasing his life, wealth and sustenance. Yet he (perfect Fakir) remains steadfast in surrender and submission to Divine will. In spite of so many trials and tribulations, his love for Allah does not diminish even the slightest and there is no complaints. Because these perfect Fakirs have intense love for Allah. The Almighty says:

“But those who believe love Allah the most (far more intensely than anyone else).” [2:165] Al-Baqarah

Why Perfect Fakirs Are Most Deserving Of Charity?

The Perfect Fakirs spend their wealth, their desires, and everything else for the sake of Allah. In the end, they offer their lives (souls) for the sake of Allah, as stated in the Quran:

“And (on the contrary) amongst people there is also someone who sells even his life to attain the pleasure of Allah.” [2:207] Al-Baqarah

Difference Between Perfect Fakir & Beggar

It becomes very clear from the above mentioned verse that to whom the charity should be given and who is real recipient of it. According to this verse, the first and most deserving are the Perfect Fakirs.

It should also be clear that we are talking about the Perfect Fakirs and not beggars. Generally, people who are seen on the streets, markets, roads, etc., begging in front of people, are called fakirs. This is totally wrong. These people are professional beggars or overwhelmed by their inner selves and people give them the right of the Fakirs. Begging is strictly forbidden in Islam and is strongly condemned because this is a curse. Islam says to earn a living by hard work while people have turned begging into a business.

Condemnation of Beggars in Islam

Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo says about these people in Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan:

‘’Those people cannot be called Fakirs who beg at every door like the greedy dogs. They are irreligious, indulged in wrong innovations, evil eyed, renouncers of prayer, second to Satan and the wine drinkers which is the mother of all evils. They have no gnosis of Allah, whoever becomes their friend, in fact becomes friend of the Satan. Their friendship means enmity with Allah and the Holy Prophet (pbuh).’’

This edict also makes it clear that these beggars have no religion. Some of them even are absolute criminals. How can these people be Fakirs? These people are not Fakirs at all. Fakir is the perfect Sufi Saint, annihilated in Allah.

Charity is the Right of Fakirs

Allah says in verse 273 of Surah Al-Baqarah:

“(Charity is) the right of those Fakirs who have been restricted (from earning their livelihood) in the cause of Allah. They cannot even move about in the land (due to their involvement in matters of Din [Religion]). Because of their (ascetic) aversion to greed, the unwise (knowing little about their state of heart and soul) consider them wealthy. You will recognise them from their appearance. They do not ask people (for help) at all lest they should humble themselves (before them). And whatever wealth you give in charity, Allah indeed knows it well.” [2:273] Al-Baqarah.

Authority of Fakirs on Doomsday

  1. There is a Hadith. Allah Almighty will excuse to the Fakir on the Day of Judgment as a person does to another person. Allah will say: By my honor and glory! I did not take the world away from you because you were not dear to Me, but instead it would be a great honour for you today. O My servant! Go to the ranks of these hellish people and whoever fed you for me and given you clothes for My sake, is yours. He will see people immersed in sweat completely. He will recognise them and admit them to Paradise. (Riyadh Al-Riyahin)
  2. Abu Hurairah has narrated from the Holy Prophet (pbuh) that the Fakirs will go to Paradise five hundred years before the rich ones. (Al-Tirmidhi & Ibn Majah)
  3. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘’There is a key for everything and the key to paradise is the love of Fakirs and Miskeens. On the Doomsday, there will be no sin upon them and they will be seated with Allah.’’ (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)

Teachings of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

 Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani writes in his book Fayuz Ghaus-e-Yazdani:

Feed your food to the pious. When you feed the pious with your food and help them in worldly affairs, you will share in their deeds and their reward will not be decreased. Because you helped them in their cause and removed their worldly burdens from them. When you feed your food to a hypocrite, and a sinner, and help him in the affairs of this world, you will share in his deeds. You have helped him to disobey Allah and commit sins and his punishment will not be lessened for him.  

Sayings of Sultan Bahoo about Fakir

Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo mentions about Fakir various times in his writings. He says in Nur-ul-Huda Kalan:

  1. Why do you consider Fakir, a beggar? Fakir is Sultan and his kingdom extends to immortality.’’
  2. The sight of Fakir is a treasure and it has authority over all the treasures. And still he is independent of all desires.



According to the above Hadiths and commands, the Fakir seeks Allah’s mercy on the servants of Allah by the command of Allah Almighty and not for his own sake. Allah Himself will excuse to the Fakir on the Day of Resurrection as mentioned in Hadiths. He who does not spend in the way of Allah and give charity to Fakir openly invites the wrath of Allah. The deed of giving charity is for the betterment of this man himself.

May Allah bless us to spend as much money as possible in His way and grant us His proximity. Ameen

This blog is an English translation of the Urdu article راہِ حق میں مالی قربانیوں کی ضرورت اور اہمیت which appeared in the March 2021 edition of the Mahnama Sultan ul Faqr Magazine

Lahore, written by Nasir Majeed Sarwari Qadri. Click the link below to read original article in Urdu.

Dr Mohammad Waseem Akram Sarwari Qadri has translated it in English.

What is the importance of Sadqa in Islam?

Allah has mentioned many virtues of spending (sadqa) in His way in Quran. The verses that have been revealed about spending money in the way of Allah have more or less one thing in common. The emphasis is on “spend in My way, out of what I have given you.” Allah Almighty is making man realise that the wealth he is hiding or being stingy about it from spending in the way of Allah, is actually a blessing of Allah.

Allah says in Quran: “Surely, both the men and the women who give charity and those who lend a loan to Allah, the (reward of charity) will be increased for them manifold, and there will be most honourable reward for them.” [57:18] Al-Ḥadīd

Anas ibn Malik narrates that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “Spending one dirham in one’s life is better than giving one hundred dirhams in charity at the time of death.” (Abu Dawood)

What are the benefits of spending in the way of Allah?

There are number of benefits of doing charity. Some of them are:

  • Allah’s pleasure and will is gained.
  • A man is blessed with the goods of both worlds. (Now it is up to man whether he wants the mortal good of this world or the eternal and immortal good of the Hereafter.)
  • Charity protects from the heat of the grave.
  • Charity cools the wrath of Allah.
  • It removes difficulties or makes them easier.
  • Charity causes the forgiveness of sins.
  • Charity saves from bad death.
  • It diminishes sins.
  • Charity is also a cure, a medicine and a healing.

Who are the recipients of Sadqa?

Allah says in Quran:

“Indeed, alms (sadqa) are meant for the Fakirs.” [9:60] Al-Tawbah

It should also be clear that we are talking about the Perfect Fakirs and not beggars. Generally, people who are seen on the streets, markets, roads, etc. begging in front of people, are called fakirs. This is totally wrong. These people are professional beggars or overwhelmed by their inner selves and people give them the right of the Fakirs. Islam strictly forbids and condemns begging because this is a curse. Islam says to earn a living by hard work while people have turned begging into a business.

Who is the Perfect Fakir?

Sultan Bahoo says in Nur-ul-Huda Kalan: ‘’Fakir is Sultan and his kingdom extends to immortality.’’ He further says: “The sight of Fakir is a treasure and it has authority over all the treasures. Yet he is independent of all desires.”

The Perfect Fakir is the one whom Allah Almighty tests in every way by increasing and decreasing his life, wealth and sustenance. Yet he (perfect Fakir) remains steadfast in the surrender and submission to Divine will. In spite of so many trials and tribulations, His love does not diminish even the slightest and there is no such thing as complaint. Because these perfect Fakirs have intense love for Allah. The Almighty says:

“But those who believe love Allah the most (far more intensely than anyone else).” [2:165] Al-Baqarah

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